Brian's Profile

Name: Brian Smith
Nickname: Bree (no relation to the cheese)
Birthday: November 22 long long ago...
Age: Almost 34 (oops, my dentures are slipping)
Astrological Sign: Pastachio the nut or Porky the Pig (fyi, I really am a boar...sorry, i meant boring...)
Blood Type: Salty
Favorite Subject: Karen (does that count?) if not, sci/fi fantasy
Least Favorite Subject: Family, followed by truth, justice, and the American Way
Favorite Food: Green tea ice cream (for all that ails you!) I was going to say booze but I remembered that it's not considered a proper food source in most states...
Least Favorite Food: Anything I'm allergic to (most everything!)
Favorite Color: Darker spectrum - purple, blue, black (I know a lot about black & blue - trust me!)
Favorite Gem: Onyx but I think tigers eyes or star sapphires are cool
Favorite Gem I Can Afford:
Favorite Sport: Jump-the-bishie
Least Favorite Sport: Bishie-chasing (damn can some of them bishie can run!)
Favorite Animal: Cabbits
Least Favorite Animal: My ex-husband.
School: Penn state...oh...sorry...meant State pen...
Hobbies: Sci-fi fantasy, Karen, cosplaying, pretending I have a life...all that jazz
Strong Points: You're kidding, right? (Crissy's note: No one can be this sexy and this funny and NOT have it count as two very strong points.)
Has Trouble With: Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness
Real Dream: ::sigh:: at the advise of my attorney, I cannot comment on them
Pipe Dream: To look even half as pretty as many of the SM cosplayers I know in my next life...(assuming I get one because I have a lot of explaining to do with the HR dept in hell...)