Femmy as Hotaru in her new school uniform that she made herself.
You can't blame her for being a little shy, given all she's gone through.
Another large group!
Femme as Hotaru
Usagi Seion as Usagi
DJ Ranma S as Artemis
Crissy as Rei
Jamie as Sailor Galaxia
Kayla Kagome as Haruka
CCAmanda as Diana
Callie as Minako
The same group, this time joined by Maurynna as Usagi.
"V is for Victory!"
Haruka is such a pimp.
Callie as Minako, Kayla Kagome as Haruka, Femme as Hotaru, Usagi Seion as Usagi, and Crissy as Rei.
"Genki DES-u!"
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