Super Sailor Jupiter
Heather as Super Sailor Jupiter in a costume she made herself. |
Marci as Super Sailor Jupiter in a costume made by her mother's friend. |
Kell as Super Sailor Jupiter in a costume made in a joint effort by her, her mom, and her grandmother. |
Kayohshin as Super Sailor Jupiter in a costume she made with a little help from her mom. |
Mako-Jess as Super Sailor Jupiter in a costume made by Setsuna Kou. |
Rinburevolution as Super Sailor Jupiter in a costume she made herself. |
Lady Yunie as Super Sailor Jupiter in a costume she made herself. |
Moonlight Serenity as Super Sailor Jupiter with sleeves by Tsukinohime3 and
Tiara, earrings, and brooch by Catzia. |
Phavorianne as Super Sailor Jupiter in a costume she made herself. |