Princess Kakyuu
Setsuna Kou as Princess Kakyuu in a costume she made herself. |
Kelly as Princess Kakyuu in a costume made by Quistis. |
Kakyuu as Princess Kakyuu in a costume made by Nezumi. |
Nezumi as Princess Kakyuu in a costume she made herself. |
McKayla as Princess Kakyuu in a costume she made herself. |
Kelly as Princess Kakyuu in a costume she made with her friend Jeanine. |
Usagi Kou as Princess Kakyuu in a costume made by Kelly. |
Tenjou as Princess Kakyuu in a costume she made herself. |
Lexi as Princess Kakyuu in a casual outfit that she assembled herself. |
AmazonMandy as Princess Kakyuu in a costume she made herself. |
Michiko as Princess Kakyuu in a costume she made herself and a wig styled by Terranell. |
Michi as Princess Kakyuu in a costume she made herself. |