Fushichō as Chibiusa in a costume she made herself.

Luna-P was made with scrap Worbla and a large styrofoam ball.

She used a Chibi wig from Arda and two extensions in the color Bubblegum. The extensions were used to make the odangos which were wrapped around an egg shaped styrofoam piece. She raised the pigtails a bit (though not as high as she would've liked in the long run) and snipped them down and secured them with a lot of hot glue. The styrofoam had the inside hollowed out so she could stick them directly on the stubs. Finally, she used the remainder of the extensions to wrap around the odango base and fluffed them up for the "pigtails".
Fushichō as Chibiusa and Ichigo Kitty as Usagi.
Well, sometimes they get along.
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