
Sailor Mo as Sailor Moon and DJ Ranma S as Pimp Daddy Artemis.
Makoto Kou as Princess Jupiter, DJ Ranma S as Artemis, Jessie as Eternal Sailor Uranus, Lone Sheep as Eternal Sailor Venus, and Usagi Kou as Eternal Sailor Moon.
Ranma as summertime Artemis with Keiko Han, the voice of Luna and Queen Beryl.
Shinigamikaitou as Princess Venus and DJ Ranma S as human Artemis.

Asher as human Artemis in a costume she made herself.

Tenjou as human Artemis in a costume she made herself.

Reuban as human Artemis in a costume altered by Amanda-chan.

Usagi Sern as Artemis in a costume she made herself.

Choci as Artemis in a costume she made herself.