Lynzie's Profile

Name: Lynzie
Nickname: Lyn-Lyn
Birthday: April 19, 1984
Age: 19
Astrological Sign: Aries
Blood Type: (No idea.)
Favorite Subject: Choir
Least Favorite Subject: PE
Favorite Food: Teriyaki chicken
Least Favorite Food: Cooked veggies... period.
Favorite Color: Green
Favorite Gem: Emerald
Favorite Sport: Tennis or swimming
Favorite Animal: Kitty!
School: North Thurston High School... but not for long! >D
Hobbies: Web design, drawing, writing, taking pictures, cosplay, video games, anime, of course. ^_^
Strong Points: Optomism, creativity, energy.
Has Trouble With: Spiders, bees, needles, big bad shounen anime. ^_^
Dream: To become a wonderful English teacher in Japan! <3