Mario Rob's Profile

Name: Robert James Blancke Jr.
Nickname: Robbie, Mariorob, Rhoxy, Ruka, Robbiedude
Birthday: April 9, 1988
Age: 26
Astrological Sign: Aries
Blood Type: O+
Favorite Subject: Astronomy
Least Favorite Subject: Core classes that wasted my time
Favorite Food: Pastas/noodles
Least Favorite Food: Creamed Broccoli
Favorite Color: Red
Favorite Gem: Amber
Favorite Sport: Football
Favorite Animal: Dachshunds
School: Xavier High School > College of Staten Island > Southern State University Ohio
Hobbies: Gaming, cosplay, reading, stargazing
Strong Points: Strong hearted. Good at livining up people's lives and gerally spreading good feelings all around. Excellent at listening and understanding. Loves to lead.
Has Trouble With: Getting over internal problems and fears. A small fear of change.
Dream: To be the best person I can be, without fear and without having to worry whether I'm good enough or not. I want to share my ideas and feelings with the world and not be prejududged because I am different and I am proud of being different.