Laura as Hino Rei in her school uniform the she made with her grandmother.

Laura says this about her costume:

"Hino Rei was my first ever costume, and considering it was thrown together two weeks before the convention I think it turned out pretty darn cute! I could not, for the life of me, find the right browns to use, so I opted for a brownish grey, but anyone who knew the series knew who I was. I tried to find a black wig, but came up with nothing passable, so I dyed my hair black and called myself Rei *^_^* "

Rei poses by a rock.
Rei looks contemplative in a gazebo.
A Japanese sign?
Rei looks at you by a lake.
Rei from far away.
Rei smiles while thinking, "Fire...SOUL!"
Now Laura is wearing Rei's yukata in a costume she made with Yume no Senshi.
It's red, of course.
Laura as Rei in her maid outfit in a costume she made herself.
These costumes are just TOO cute.
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