Kat as Super Sailor Mars in a costume she made herself.
Kat says:
- Sailor Mars: well this was technically my first ever cosplay (who doesn't do a Senshi their first time around? lol)
- Fuku: we used the top of a brides maid's dress pattern
- Skirt: we just cut the dress part short
- Collar: was also a pattern fer a scarf to tie on but we sewed it in
- Bows: were hand made no pattern Jewel: we cut a cardboard circle and wrapped the red fabric around it
- Tiara: was ribbon cut into two pieces and a red plastic jewel was glued on
- Gloves: were bought at Claire's (we would have added the trim but this was a last min Halloween coz and didn't have the time)
- Shoes: were bought at Wal-Mart
- Wig: x.X gah I hated that wig when we got back I threw it away LOL I found it at Wal-Mart too
- this was a very cop-out costume and I dunt recommend anyone doing it the way I did LOL someday I will do another Senshi but better ^.^*