Paul's Profile

Name: Paul
Nickname: Paulie, paulz0rz, shdwmagiks
Birthday: March 3, 1983
Age: 21
Astrological Sign: Pisces
Blood Type: How would I know?!
Favorite Subject: Computers
Least Favorite Subject: When I have to do lots of work
Favorite Food: CALAMARI!
Least Favorite Food: None
Favorite Color: GREEN!
Favorite Gem: Jade
Favorite Sport: The ones where I kick ass
Favorite Animal: Probably dogs
School: North Eastern University
Hobbies: DDR, Renee, being lazy, sleeping, playing RPG's
Strong Points: Always smiling (GF note: EXCEPT in photos where you're Helios! ;_;), extremely loyal
Has Trouble With: Saying what's on my mind, Renee crying
Dream: To be able to stand on my own two feet