Sailor Pluto
![](setsunakouspluto1thumb.jpg) |
Setsuna Kou as Sailor Pluto in a costume she made herself. |
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Connie as Sailor Pluto, in a costume made as a joint project by her, her sister, and her mom. (She made the key herself.) |
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Andrea as Sailor Pluto in a costume she made herself. |
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JJ as Sailor Pluto in a costume she made herself with some help and advice from Nuriko. |
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Sandy as Sailor Jupiter, Raine as Sailor Moon, and Amy as Sailor Pluto. |
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Kathryn as Sailor Pluto in a costume she made herself. |
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Nereid as Sailor Pluto in a costume she got from a tailor, with a staff she made herself. |
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Maurynna as Sailor Pluto in a costume she made herself. |
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Michi as Sailor Pluto in a costume she made herself. |
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Misa-chan as Sailor Pluto and Kayla Kagome as Super Sailor Moon. |
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AmazonMandy as Sailor Pluto in a costume she made herself. |
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Moiranna as Sailor Pluto in a costume she made herself. |
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Scarlet Rhapsody as Sailor Pluto in a costume she made herself. Photo by O. Fremen. |
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Ammie as Sailor Pluto in a costume she made herself. |
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Sionna as Sailor Pluto in a costume she made with her mom. |
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Elsch as Sailor Pluto in a costume she made herself. |
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Ambrosia as Sailor Pluto in a costume she made herself. |
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Athira as Sailor Pluto in a costume she made herself. |
![](minniemoonspluto1thumb.jpg) |
Minniemoon as Sailor Pluto in a costume she made herself. |
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Sailor Anime as Sailor Pluto in a costume she made herself. |
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xXSnowFrostXx as Sailor Pluto in a costume she made herself. |
![](zephyrmakesthingsspluto1thumb.jpg) |
Zephyr Makes Things as Sailor Pluto in a costume she made herself. |