Teachama's Profile

Name: Courtney Beekman
Nickname: Teachama
Birthday: January 9, 1986
Age: 28
Astrological Sign: Capricorn
Blood Type: Can't remember >.<
Favorite Subject: Anything arts related
Least Favorite Subject: MATH
Favorite Food: Italian
Least Favorite Food: Peppers and coconuts
Favorite Color: Purple
Favorite Gem: Garnet
Favorite Sport: Tennis
Favorite Animal: Horses, and dogs
School: Hillsboro High School in Hillsboro, Ohio
Hobbies: Reading, sewing, writing, photography, Relay for Life, video games
Strong Points: Attention to detail, thinking outside the box
Has Trouble With: Focusing on one thing at a time, heights, spiders and anything that moves like one, furries
Dream: Very simply put . . . to live happily ever after