Usagi-chan's Profile

Name: Shelley Hutchings
Nickname: Usagi-chan
Birthday: September 25, 1985
Age: 17
Astrological Sign: Libra
Blood Type: O
Favorite Subject: Japanese
Least Favorite Subject: Math
Favorite Food: Broccoli and Beef, Kal bi, tako poke!
Least Favorite Food: Raisins, eggs ;P yuck!
Favorite Color: Powder blue
Favorite Gem: Sapphire
Favorite Sport: Kendo and Lacross
Favorite Animal: My boyfriend
School: Pearl City High School
Hobbies: Kendo, drawing, writing, painting, sewing many pretty costumes, I like to cook and clean in hopes of someday being a good bride, and I also like playing video games and watching anime.
Strong Points: Persistant, strong willed, I can run for a really long time (?)
Has Trouble With: Spiders! Lightning, rejection
Dream: To someday find my destiny, and my true happiness