Tristen Citrine as Queen Nehellenia in a costume she made herself.

Queen Nehellenia is, of course, the head villain of season four of Sailor Moon.

Queen Nehellenia looks at you.
Notice how she has odango and crescent moons on her forehead, as a contrast to the White Moon family.

Tristen says:

"This was my very first competition costume, unless you count the Rainbow Brite outfit my Mom and I made when I was in fourth grade for a talent show. (I got second place by the way -.^ )"

"It was shown at Anime North 1999, in a short skit with Joshua (Professor Tomoe)."
"There are currently no good pictures of this costume in its original form (different wig and accessories) that I know of."
"Nehellenia has been reworked (namely the necklace and bracelets) and will be worn by Emily of Sailor JAM-Boree in their performance at Comic-Con 2000. These pictures are of me at my home."
A very alluring Queen Nehellenia.
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