Sailor Mercury
Angela as Sailor Mercury in a costume made by her and her mom. |
Linda as Sailor Mercury in a costume she borrowed from a friend for AnimExpo 2000. |
Casandra as modified version of manga Sailor Mercury. |
Randi as Sailor Mercury in a costume she made with a little help from her friends. |
KT as Sailor Mercury in a costume she made with her mom. |
Nekhochan as Sailor Mercury in a costume she made herself. |
Ami as Sailor Mercury in a costume she made herself. |
JenyBean as manga Sailor Mercury in a costume she made herself. |
Dan-chan as manga Sailor Mercury in a costume she made with Lauren. |
Lil as Sailor Mercury in a costume she made herself. |
Lady Terentia as manga Sailor Mercury in a costume made by Avian Firefly that was reworked by her mom. |
Lady Terentia in the original design Naoko had for Sailor Mercury made by Avian Firefly. |
Song of Amazon in the original design Naoko had for Sailor Mercury that she made herself. |
Ashley as Sailor Mercury in a costume she made herself. |
Saeko as Sailor Mercury in a costume she made herself. |
Raicheru as Sailor Mercury. |
Teachama as Sailor Mercury in a costume made by Seiya Kou and Stephanie. |
Ammie as Sailor Mercury in a costume she made herself. |
Now Ammie is wearing Sailor Mercury's costume from Sailor Moon Crystal. |
Abby as Sailor Mercury. |
Pocky Pants as Sailor Mercury in a costume and wig made by Anne of Luxe Dolls. |