Sailor Moon
Emily as Sailor Moon in a costume she made herself. |
Kathryn as Sailor Moon in a costume she made herself. |
Nessa as Sailor Moon in a costume she made herself with some help from her mom. |
Nine as Sailor Moon in a costume he made with his mom. |
Ayne as Sailor Moon in a costume she made herself. |
Kelly as Sailor Moon in a costume she made herself. |
Jamie-Lain as Sailor Moon in a costume she made herself. |
Usagi Kou as manga Sailor Moon in a costume she made herself. |
Sailor Mo as Sailor Moon in a costume she made herself. |
Joie as Sailor Moon in a costume she made herself. |
Bunny as Sailor Moon in a costume she made with her mom. |
Dejiko as Sailor Moon in a costume she made herself. |
Rae as Sailor Moon in a costume she made herself. |
Mysticalchali as Sailor Moon in a costume she made herself. |
Bri as Sailor Moon in a costume she made herself. |
Usagi Chiba as Sailor Moon, the way Naoko originally intended her, in a costume she made herself. |
Now Usagi Chiba is wearing Sailor Moon's classic anime costume, which she also made herself. |
Now Usagi Chiba is wearing Sailor Moon's fuku as it appeared in the original manga, a costume she made herself. |
Stephanie as Sailor Moon in a costume she made herself. |
Now Stephanie is wearing the artbook version of Sailor Moon's fuku that she made herself. |
Stephanie as the manga version of Sailor Moon in a costume she made herself. |
Now Stephanie is wearing
the manga version of classic Sailor Moon with cape. |
Stacey as Sailor Moon in a costume she made with her friend Angie. |
Kat as Sailor Moon in a costume she made herself. |
Tsukinohime3 as Sailor Moon in a costume made by Akire, with the bow made by Oubandgeekrjl. |
Ryoko-Dono as Sailor Moon in a costume she made herself. |
Serenity as a manga version of Sailor Moon in a costume she made herself. |
Ava as Sailor Moon in a costume she made herself. |
Chibi-usa as Sailor Moon in a costume made by Usagi Sern. |
Maurynna as Sailor Moon in a cosutme she made herself. |
Technopoptart as Sailor Moon in a costume she made herself. |
Mimosa as Sailor Moon in a costume she made herself. |
Now Mimosa is wearing a new Sailor Moon costume made by Setsuna Kou. |
Zeldalugia as Sailor Moon. |
ShuU as Sailor Moon in a costume she made herself. |
Nessabutterfly as Sailor Moon in a costume she made herself. |
Akza as Sailor Moon in a costume she made herself. |
Small but Mighty as Sailor Moon. |
Usagi Sern as Sailor Moon in the manga version of her costume she made herself. |
Now Usagi Sern is wearing the anime version of Sailor Moon's costume that she made herself. |
Dana as Sailor Moon in a costume from Super5Star, a wig by Mossn, accessories from Southern Moon Creations, and boots made by her parents. |
Jessie as Sailor Moon in a costume she made herself and accessories by UniqueCosplayProps. |
Triell Freschi as Sailor Moon in a costume she bought on eBay from cosplaystar. |
Envel as Sailor Moon in a costume she made herself. |
Now Envel is wearing the anime version of Sailor Moon's costume that she made herself. |
Ammie as Sailor Moon in a costume she made herself. |
Cepia as Sailor Moon in a costume she made herself. |
Now Cepia is wearing the manga version of Sailor Moon's fuku. |
Abby as Sailor Moon. |
mizukiusagi as Sailor Mars and ChuuMousie as Sailor Moon. |
ChuuMousie as Sailor Moon and mizukiusagi as Sailor Venus Moon from episode 102. |
Luna Mirage as Sailor Moon from Sailor Moon R and then from Sailor Moon Crystal in costumes she made herself. |
Moonlight Serenity as Sailor Moon in a costume by Tsukinohime3 with accessories made by Stephanie and Seiya Kou. |
Tiffany as Sailor Moon in a costume she made herself. |
Ender Kou as Sailor Moon in a costume he made himself. |
Kitty Princess Kie as Sailor Moon in a costume she made herself. |
Yume as Sailor Moon in a costume she made herself. |
Minniemoon as Sailor Moon in a costume she made herself. |